
Dal 22 al 23 February took place between Spoleto and Terni, the kick-off meeting and study visit project Interreg Sustainable approach to cultural Heritage for the urban Areas Requalification in Europe – SHARE, funded by the European Commission with a budget of 1.400.000 Euro, with a duration of 4 years. SHARE will end in December 2020.

The project, of which it is the leader Sviluppumbria, It was developed with the collaboration of Noesis, also providing technical assistance to the management of transnational activities.

The project has as its aim the international exchange of experiences in the field of urban sustainability and enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage and the improvement of related legislation.


As regards the Umbria Region, the means at the disposal of the project is the POR Priority VI Sustainable urban development, so-called "Urban Agenda”, which concerns the 5 major cities of Umbria (Perugia, Terni, Foligno, Città di Castello and Spoleto).

The project involves Regions, Municipalities and universities from England, Sweden, Romania, Spain, Croatia and Hungary.
All’evento, well as partners, They took part representatives of the Umbria region and Interreg National Contact Point, of Spoleto and Terni, as well as experts in the field of urban development.


E’ You can also follow updates on Facebook page SHARE project