
It took place during the days of the 30 November and 1 Dicembre 2016 The kick off meeting of the project Interreg MED prominent WITH – Public pROcureMent of INnovation boosting greEN growTh in MED area congiuntamente alla prima sessione di lavoro con esperti internazionali.

The project, lasting three years, processed by Sviluppumbria spa (who plays the role of Lead Partner) with the support of Noesis, ha come obiettivo quello di migliorare la capacità di innovazione e le connessioni tra attori pubblici e privati tramite il ricorso a procedure pubbliche di innovazione (denominate Public Procurement of Innovation – PPI) per stimolare la ricerca e lo sviluppo di sistemi e soluzioni tecnologiche innovative nel campo dell’efficienza energetica.
The total budget is around 2.700.000 euro, divided between 9 both public and private partners, from Italy, from Spain, Portugal, France and Croatia.


the meeting, hosted at the headquarters of Sviluppumbria of Terni and at the CHAOS – Centro Arti Opificio Siri, also he saw the involvement of international experts:

Dott. Francesco Molinari – coordinator in 2010-2012 for the Department on the cohesion policy of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and the Agency for Innovation by a group of State-Regions work to introduce PCP procedures in government practice;
Arch. Simona Agger – Investment expert in the Italian Ministry of Health – Project Manager del progetto RES_Hospitals – Board Member dello European Health Property Network (EuHPN) e della Società italiana dell’architettura e dell’ingegneria per la sanità (these);
lawyer. Ana Lucia Jaramillo - Lawyer and senior researcher at Corvers, a leading company in Europe in procurement, innovation, diritti di proprietà intellettuale e dei contratti che fornisce assistenza al governo olandese in molti complessi progetti inerenti “ICT-procurement”.

Furthermore, It was organized a study visit at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, University of Perugia (in Terni), In presence of Luigi Torre – Associate Professor of Polymer Technology and Head of the Research Group of Science and Technology of Materials and of’ Ing. Gianluca Pizzuti, President of P.U.MAS. S.C.a r.l. – Innovation Pole Umbro Technicians Materials and Micro and Nano Technologies.