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Armando Fizzarotti e Erika Squadroni, in qualità di Project Coordinator e di Financial Manager del progetto “DON’T WASTE OUR FUTURE” finanziato nell’ambito del programma EuropAid e avente come soggetto capofila FELCOS Umbria – Fondo di Enti Locali per la Cooperazione decentrata e lo Sviluppo umano sostenibile, They participated in the "1st European Youth Forum and Local Authorities against food waste and for the right to global food".

Tale evento ha rappresentato un luogo d’incontro e al tempo stesso uno spazio di dialogo fra giovani, institutions and local authorities, within which to draft specific proposals for reducing food waste.

It 'was the place of construction and launch of the Carta “DON’T WASTE OUR FUTURE 2015 - European Youth Manifesto and local authorities to reduce food waste and for the right to global food ".

Through the development of this Charter, young people and local and European institutions will attempt to bridge the gap that often exists between them, setting the stage for an alliance against food waste worldwide; inoltre, within its range, both actors will take on the commitment to translate them into concrete actions against food waste.

The Forum was structured in two parts: the first, a work session conducted with participatory methodology, held in Milan on 21 Ottobre 2015, at the Hotel Barceló; the second a return of results in plenary and presentation of the Charter held on 22 Ottobre 2015 all’interno di EXPO2015, at Cascina Triulza.


The Forum involved a delegation of about 120 Students and 45 insegnanti Secondary School of 7 European countries involved, with 20 Local authority representatives, who discussed and collaborated in order to design and launch the Carta “DON’T WASTE OUR FUTURE 2015 - European Youth Manifesto and Local Authorities against food waste and for the right to global food ".

During the Forum, the students, together with the teachers and facilitators of participatory processes, they brought their proposals and their intent in order to develop the final document. The Forum was followed by the launch of the Charter in the face of the most representative national institutions, European and international, during a plenary session where they spoke authoritative speaker on the topics of food waste and the right to food.

And 'you can refer to the Charter qui.

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