After about 3 years and a half of cooperation, the project prominent WITH, funded by the program Interreg MED, with the lead partner Sviluppoumbria and with a partnership comprising entities from Spain, Francia, Portugal and Croatia, it ended positively.

The project promoted the use of innovative procurement procedures (PPI – Public Procurement of Innovation) applied to the energy efficiency of public buildings identified in the small municipalities involved (Narni, IT – Koprivnica, HR – Mertola, PT – Algemesi, IS).

Following the experience involved the city of Koprivnica with the support of the REA North agency, won the prestigious Procura+ award for the category “Innovation Procurement of the Year“! As part of Prominent MED, the city of Koprivnica was in fact the first Croatian public body to apply an innovative procurement procedure for the renovation of a kindergarten.

For more information on the project, visit the website:

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